Game Idea Research

 After thinking carefully about the choice, I have decided to choose to make a 3D platformer game. I ended up deciding to make a 3D platformer as I believed that it would be the most fun, but also the easiest for me to make as I've never made a game before and I don't want to start off with something big like an RPG that'll be to0 time consuming, also I have plenty of examples of great platformers that I can get inspiration from. In my game I plan to include specific game mechanics, which I feel are good to be in this game. My first game mechanic to include will be the ability to double jump. Most games in today's world include the ability for the character to be able to jump and then jump again while in mid-air, this has become an almost vital game mechanic as it allows players to reach areas that may seem out of reach. The double jump ability has become a staple of modern gaming, as it appears more now than maybe in the early 2000's. Another game mechanic that I would  like to have in my game is a shooting mechanic like in the Zelda game Ocarina of time, during the shooting gallery part the camera changes from third person to first person and Link takes out a slingshot and can shoot with it, I would like to implement this mechanic in some form to allow the player to shoot a projectile of so kind. Another game mechanic that I want to include is an aiming mechanic, where this differs from the previous mechanic mentioned, this mechanic will not lock you in to a first-person view, it will however bring up a sight which allows the player to rotate the camera and throw and object, kind of like in Ratchet and Clank.

Example of double jump

Example camera change

Example of the aiming mechanic

Example of a theme which I think that I will follow.


  1. Hey Killian really cool blog here, I really like how you have decided to go with a 3D platform something that is nice and easy to start off with when your entering into making games on unity. Did you consider adding some of the games that you got inspiration from? It would be nice to kind of visualize what type of game you are looking at by looking at a game that already exists but I completely get if you just want to create your own game from scratch. One thing that I think you should add and may be helpful if your going to add the shooting mechanic, if you where to have enemies that fire back at the character I would suggest you add a dodge mechanic. This would be difficult but you could make the character role etc. Overall really great blog and was interesting to read! Best of luck!

  2. Hi Killian, I really like your game idea! I definitely agree with you. An RPG game would be way too hard to start off with. The different game mechanics you want to use are very good choices. I always found it hard to use the double jump in games. But it is very useful and popular with games now a days. Anyways, good luck with creating the game and I can't wait to see it! Denis.

  3. Hi Killian,
    I connect with your idea to not try to make and design a game that you don't realistically have the coding ability and knowledge to create, which would just make the entire game design process completely unbearable. From reading your blog you know what medium of game you want to design, as you said that an RPG game would be to difficult to design, you should narrow down on a theme which will make the beginning of the designing process easier. Did you consider making a game where the majority of the workload can be set to the game functionality rather than how the game will look because a 3D platformer game might be very difficult to design. I think you should add more details on what the story of your game will be, from the blog we don't know much about characters or the storyline of the game, good luck!!!.

  4. Hi Killian, I love the game idea and it sounds like it could be a really fun game to play. I get what you are on about when talking about making a game that's realistic for you to be able to build, that makes perfect sense and I am sure you should be able to build this. I like the idea of making a double jump mechanic, as I feel this is a necessary mechanic for any platformer game.

    Did you consider any form of story for your game? Will it be more of a cartoonish, silly kind of story or maybe something more serious? A story would definitely help make your game more enjoyable for the player, even if it's only some text at the start of the game.

    One suggestion would be to have different enemy types within your, as you plan on having a shooting mechanic, you will need something to shoot. Best of luck with the game Killian, I am sure it will be fun!

  5. Hey Killian,
    I think aiming for a simpler project like a 3D Platformer rather than an RPG is a great idea because I feel like even the smallest RPGs are a massive workload and would be really hard to get done for this module. I think you've got a pretty good idea for making your game simple yet a bit more dynamic with the mechanics you've chosen to implement.

  6. Hey Killian. Its Ellen. I think your game idea is really good. I like how you have decided to go with a 3D platform game as it will be easier to create for a beginner at Unity and also we don't have much time to make the games. I hope you game comes out well and good luck with the rest of the semester.

  7. Hi Killian you game idea is very good, I like the idea that you are thinking of 3D, as we have a bot of an idea how to do this from the tutorials each week it might help up to look back over them, It seems like you have a clear vision of what the game will look like. Best of luck with your game hope it works out for you in the end- Niamh

  8. Hi Killian, I have just finished reading your blog entry on the 'Game Idea Research' it is well put together and is really interesting it is amazing at how much detail you developed for your game and I cannot wait to see what your final game is going to look like. You should really be proud of yourself as it is quite clear you have a passion for your game and it clearly shows in all of the research you have done. Your idea of a 3D platform game is amazing, and I can’t wait to see how you developed this idea as it's clear you have a passion for this genre of games.


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