Tutorial lesson 1.2

This lesson was teaching me how to actual have the vehicle drive and be able to interact with other objects on the road. To start I created a new folder in the project widow and called it Scripts, I then added a C# folder inside of that and called it PlayerController, this was then added to the vehicle object in prototype1. I then wrote the code in visual studio which started out like this transform Translate(0,0,1);. I then saved this and pressed play in Unity and it was working smoothly. I changed the transform Translate(0,0,1); to transform Translate(Vector3.forward*Time.deltaTime * 20); which basically meant that it would travel 20m a second. Then back in unity I added rigidbody components to the vehicle and obstacle so that I could then alter their individual mass. Then to finish  the project up I copied multiple obstacles and placed them further along the Z-axis so that the vehicle had more things to run into on its journey.

Overall I enjoyed this part of the project as I liked the idea of me making something directly from scratch and that it now has a way of interacting with the objects around it and that it also is a proper thing that I made(sorry about poor wording), I'm excited to see what the next part of the project will have me do.

Picture of unity project


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