Game stories

 As games have developed overtime, the need for more interesting themes and game types have arisen. What I mean by this is if you look back at earlier generations of games you can see a clear difference when compared to games today, no  it's the the graphics or mechanics it's the story. Games of the past have mainly been about action rather than story, but as they have progressed, the story has become more and more important, as people want further character development, further plot development, e.c.t. After reading the article about how games and movies are both able to tell a story, I  thought about how games can influence other forms of media either through a movie being made about a game or vice-versa or how a game can lead to further plot developments of a movie that were previous unknown, i.e. a specific character's past which wasn't explored in the movie. The article talked about how classical stories move, which when I read it reminded me of a lot of movies and games I've seen and how the story starts with the main character having some bad incident in their life which indirectly puts them on the path to complete the story/game. This formula must be an easy one to have as it's in a lot of movies and games, the difference between such  games and movies is how the developer present it, i.e. a revenge story, a  redemption story e.c.t.

GTA Vice city, where the protagonist fights for his life.
Link to item of interest A useful site explaining games and stories.
Link to item of interest A site discussing the game narrative of Mass Effect 2
Link to item of interest A video discussing game story design


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