Growth Mindset

 Looking at the video "The surprising habit of original thinkers, by Adam Grant I was able to stop viewing my procrastination as a huge massive problem, obviously I controlled it better but more importantly is that I need to start embracing my procrastination so when am looking for inspiration that I maybe able to use it to drum up some creativity. So the video is about a man talking about procrastinators and pre-crastinators and how that if you fall into too much of each category you are less likely to be creative, which makes senses if you think about it as the pre-crastinators rush in to complete a task while the procrastinators leave everything to the last minute, in both cases no fresh ideas get a chance to form.

Something that I never thought about was that the man mentions giving three of the same tasks to three different people, one would rush in straight away and try finish it, another would procrastinate for ten minutes. Finally the last one would only procrastinate for five minutes, but as it's only a short time, the idea is still fresh in  the person's head and can be easily thought about and be solved.

An image of someone procrastinating.


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