Unity Tutorial 09

 This week in the Unity tutorials I had to finish the sumo ball game. This involved me having to write code so that 3 enemies would keep spawning in to the game  even if they were knocked of the platform. So after I was able to make the enemies spawn in groups of three over and over, I wanted to increase that number so that it would always increase by one, so if I knock of  the three enemies, four should spawn next. After that I needed to make it so that when the enemies where knocked of the platform that they de-spawn after reaching a certain distance on the Y axis. Now I had to solve the powerup problem as I was left with only one powerup at the very start of the game, so I had to write some code so that a new powerup would spawn at the start of each wave of enemies so that the player had something to fight with. I also had to make it so that there was not loads of powerups appearing on the platform and that they were de-spawning with the new wave. After all these tasks were done I had a functioning  game where I could knock the enemies of the platform.

A picture of the sumo game in action, the golden ring is a powerup.


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