This week I ended up finishing the limb movement of my project, this took a lot longer than I originally expected as I needed to record each individual limb movement and then once that was done, adjust each part so that the limbs would move symmetrical to the opposite limb. After completing that, I focused my attention on making a useable item. I did this by first importing my chosen item (a Hurley) from blender, I then scaled and and positioned the item proportionally so that it looked natural. After that I put in the code so that it would appear in the characters hand when the pickup was activated. Then I put in the code so that the hurl would be swung like a sword or weapon. So now I had a weapon item, but I wanted to include one more thing before I went on to my next task. I wanted to include a way to shot balls (sliotars) while I was holding the hurl. So I went back to a previous unity tutorial where balls shoot out from a character and thought about how I could alter it, while using the code for my own project as I didn't like the way the balls where shot in the tutorial. After this I felt I should spend some time on the surrounding landscape so my game was no longer as empty looking, for this I imported assets of trees and bushes from the asset store and placed them into the desirable locations, I then made a limit as to how far my character could go left and right so that he never passed through the trees and such. This is where I stopped as I'm coming to an end of my project, I've thought about how I may need to alter the environment, such as include varying heights for the ground and maybe some gaps that need to be jumped over.
Hi Killian! Looking at your introduction I'm very happy that you're trying to implement something that you've done in real life into your game. It makes the whole experience more fun if you're putting in something you love into another thing. I'm really happy that you've come so far in your project and you made the hurley yourself that's a big accomplishment! Anyway best of luck with your game. - Anna Zurawska