Main Paragraphs and blog write up

For my reading task this week, I had to write five paragraphs, based on the themes I chose in my Analytic Bibliography's. The teams I chose all end up relating to game development and game development team roles. The themes were Teamwork, Minorities, Game development realities, Workplace realities and solved problems/solutions. Each of my chosen themes can somehow relate back to game development team roles, i.e. teamwork is required to work with others. How I wrote my paragraphs was through talking about the theme itself, then referencing articles to do with game development in someway, then further discussing the theme in ways of how it it intertwined with the topic that I chose at the start of the semester, game design team roles. This task was interesting as it let me further look at my bibliography's and think about how each one of them has or doesn't have the themes which I have referenced and how they can all be connected to a single overall topic. This assignment however didn't really appeal to me personally however as I found at times that it was difficult to keep the writing going and relevant to the topic at hand.

Picture of one of my paragraphs


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